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eplan p8 2.0 validation code The eplan P8 2.0 is a program created by Pragma Systems Incorporated for use in HVAC engineering and design mainly for residential buildings, but also commercial buildings, and power plants. It can be used as a standalone product or as a plug-in to a CAD software such as AutoCAD® or Revit® from Autodesk®. It was released on January 3rd, 2014 after being developed over the span of 15 years since the first release of the software in 1999. The eplan P8 2.0 is the latest version of eplan to include many features that can drastically increase productivity in the design field, especially for advanced users. The latest version contains over 30 new features, improvements, and other enhancements. These enhancements are listed below: User Interface 1) New Customizable UI 2) Multilingual Platform Support- Allows for eplan P8 2. 0 to be used in any language by users around the world. 3) New User Preferences- Allows customizable presets of the preferred modeling experience for the user. 4) New Tooltips- Equipment and system tips can be displayed while hovering over buttons and tools on the screen. 5) Detailed Modeling Report- A new report can be created by individual users with their inputs and how many hours it took them to create their setup. 6) Enhanced Data Entry Experience- A new feature allows for automated entry of data based off selected values from a drop down box or from a previously entered value. 7) Import and Export Projects- Directly import and export completed projects from other CAD software using the standard file format. 8) New Frame Style- A new frame style was added that allows for much quicker creation of floor layouts, team plans, and other layout documents. 9) New Interface Options: Color (Single and Multi-Color), Active and Inactive Diagrams, and Graphical Styles (for File Saving). 10) New Data Entry Functions: Drop Down Lists, Value Lists, Auto Complete Inputs, Auto Complete Outputs, Inline Value Lists. The user can also use a combination keyboard entry with the Tab key to help improve the data entry process. Architectural and Programming Specific Features: 1) New Frame Style- A new frame style was added that allows for much quicker creation of floor layouts, team plans, and other layout documents. 2) New Interface Options: Color (Single and Multi-Color), Active and Inactive Diagrams, and Graphical Styles (for File Saving). 3) New Data Entry Functions: Drop Down Lists, Value Lists, Auto Complete Inputs, Auto Complete Outputs, Inline Value Lists. The user can also use a combination keyboard entry with the Tab key to help improve the data entry process. cfa1e77820